About the NeuroAI archive

The NeuroAI archive is written by Patrick Mineault, PhD. I’m always happy to hear from readers: send me your thoughts and papers to patrick.mineault@gmail.com.

I’m a NeuroAI researcher at the Amaranth Foundation, where I focus on the intersection of neuroscience and AI safety. I did my B.Sc. in Math and Physics and a PhD in the computational neuroscience of vision at McGill, followed by a postdoc at UCLA. I was a software engineer at Google in Mountain View, CA and a research scientist in brain-computer interfaces at Meta. I was the founding CTO of Neuromatch Academy and founded a NeuroAI startup called Blindsight Therapeutics. Most recently, I was a senior machine learning scientist at Mila and a chercheur invité at Université de Montréal. I wrote the Good Research Code guide, which I’m expanding to a full book for MIT Press this year.

My research bridges neuroscience and AI. Here’s my always up-to-date Google Scholar. On my other blog, xcorr, I’ve been writing about computational neuroscience and programming since 2008. Outside of neuroscience and AI, I enjoy dancing, coffee nerdery and travel.

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Neuro AI, vision, Python, open science. Senior ML scientist @ Mila. Previously engineer @ Google, Meta.