About the NeuroAI archive

Patrick Mineault, PhD, writes the NeuroAI archive. I’m always happy to hear from readers: send me your thoughts and papers to patrick.mineault@gmail.com.

I’m a senior machine learning scientist at Mila working at the intersection of neuroscience and AI, with an adjunct appointment at the Math and Stats department at Université de Montréal as chercheur invité. I did my B.Sc. in Math and Physics and a PhD in the computational neuroscience of vision at McGill, followed by a postdoc at UCLA. I was a software engineer at Google in Mountain View, CA and a research scientist in brain-computer interfaces at Meta. I was the founding CTO of Neuromatch Academy and founded a NeuroAI startup called Blindsight Therapeutics. I wrote the Good Research Code guide, which I’m expanding to a full book for MIT Press this year.

My research bridges neuroscience and AI, in particular modelling the dorsal stream of the visual cortex and building neural foundation models. Here’s my always up-to-date Google Scholar. On my other blog, xcorr, I’ve been writing about computational neuroscience and programming since 2008. Outside of neuroscience and AI, I enjoy dancing, coffee nerdery and travel.

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Neuro AI, vision, Python, open science. Senior ML scientist @ Mila. Previously engineer @ Google, Meta.